
Emergency Support Services for Disaster Victims

The Disaster Assistance Corporation (DAC) will be a public benefit corporation organized as a 26 U.S. Code § 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The Disaster Assistance Corporation’s purpose is as follows:

  • Provide Prepared or Pre-packaged Food and/or Water to Victims of a Disaster Area
  • Facilitate or Engage in the Clearance of Supply Routes or Means to Deliver Food and Water to Disaster Areas
  • Provide Other Types of Disaster Assistance as Necessary or Requested
  • Research Strategies and Technologies to Increase the Effectiveness of Disaster Support
  • Educate the Public and Organizations on Emergency Preparedness
Disaster Assistance Corp

Our Background

Despite the best efforts of government and other organizations to prepare for and respond to a disaster, when a disaster occurs, it is difficult for any region to respond adequately. Earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other disasters happen mostly without warning. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), part of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), recorded 96 Disaster Declarations (as of 9/20/2021) in 2021.

During Hurricane Katrina, the City of New Orleans was cut off from support due to flooding. The delivery of food and water was challenging, even for FEMA. Recently, storms and fires in the United States have caused local disruptions in the delivery of food and water to the victims of these disasters. There are other organizations providing one or more services, including delivering food or water but providing comprehensive support to a disaster zone is challenging, and additional support is needed.

Identified as an issue by the Disaster Assistance Corporation (DAC) Directors is that the DAC is a new organization without a track record of providing services and connections to other organizations. This includes first responders (police, fire, medical, and other EMS/Government) and other profit and non-profit organizations involved with disaster response. To overcome this issue, while also building the disaster response capability, it was recommended that an event of some sort is needed to introduce DAC to first responders and other support organizations. This also gives DAC time to design, evaluate and refine procedures to provide support during a disaster.

The recommended solution for an event that introduces DAC to first responders and other organizations is a walking event, “Walk Across America,” from Oceanside, CA, to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and then on to the Peace Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. The purpose is to honor the US Flag, Veterans, First Responders (Law Enforcement, Fire, Medical) by carrying the US Flag the entire distance. The distance is approximately 2,800 miles. As the walkers cross the US, DAC would meet with and support first responder organizations, non-profit veteran groups, and others who may be involved in disaster assistance in their communities with their fundraising events. The goal is to solicit donations for the organizations as part of a joint fundraising effort, with 70% of the proceeds going to that particular organization.

Disaster Assistance Corp